
Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems: 2014 Edition Chapter 4: Governmental Accounting Fund Structure

What are the three types of governmental accounting?

When it comes to generally accepted accounting principles for nonprofits, it is the norm for organizations to use the accrual basis of accounting for revenue recognition. In government accounting, revenue recognition follows the modified accrual basis of accounting. This method recognizes revenues when they are both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period.

Right-of-Use Asset (ROU Asset) and Lease Liability for ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 Explained with an Example

  • Fund accounting and accrual-based accounting in non-profit organizations are primarily two types.
  • There is a fundamental difference in how public and private entities operate.
  • At Capital Business Solutions, we specialize in nonprofit financial software consulting, helping organizations navigate generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for nonprofits with ease.
  • Similar to a personal credit card, a line of credit (LOC) is a pre-set credit limit approved by a bank or another financial institution.

At the federal level, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) sets forth the accounting standards to follow. Similarly, there is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) for state and local level government. Looking forward, fund accounting will continue to play a critical role in adapting to changing financial landscapes and increasing public demands for transparency and accountability. As technology advances, we can expect more sophisticated financial management systems that provide real-time data analysis and enhanced reporting capabilities. This will likely lead to greater precision in fund tracking and reporting, enabling more dynamic and responsive budgeting processes. The key measurement focus in a government fund’s financial statements is on expenditures, which are decreases in the net financial resources of a fund.


Revenue recognition and expenditure tracking are fundamental aspects of financial management that differ significantly between government and nonprofit accounting. These differences reflect the distinct operational and regulatory environments of each sector. Nonprofit organizations use net asset classification to manage and report their financial resources. Net assets are categorized based on donor-imposed restrictions, reflecting how funds can be used.

What are the three types of governmental accounting?

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board

  • In summary, governmental accounting is essential for the efficient and transparent management of public funds.
  • Governments use fund accounting to demonstrate fiscal responsibility to their resource providers.
  • At the federal level, government accountants manage public funds, investigate white-collar crime, perform financial statement audits for government agencies and conduct research on emerging accounting issues.
  • These examples and case studies demonstrate the varied applications and management strategies of different government funds.
  • It applies to all public entities at the federal, state, county, and city levels.
  • The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB) sets the accounting standards at the federal level.

The general fund, as the name suggests, accounts for the basic activities or the services that are provided by the government. Technically, it is used for all ‘general’ transactions that are not accounted for elsewhere. Explore how managerial accounting shapes business, differing from financial accounting and offering vital accounting information for success. GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) sets accounting standards for state and local governments in the United States.

International accountants help companies navigate regional, national and local laws and regulations. They must adhere to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Nonprofit software can revolutionize the way your organization operates, offering a range of benefits that enhance efficiency, transparency, and impact. Explore opportunities for accountants to grow through professional development , CPA certification, and expanding your network for career advancement.

What are the three types of governmental accounting?

What are the three types of governmental accounting?

Public companies have to follow a set of rules set out by the government (this is the Securities and Exchange Commission in the U.S.). The purpose of these documents is to provide those in leadership positions government and nonprofit accounting with the information they need to make better business decisions. This particular fund is kept separate because it deals with a couple of different tasks that are specifically designated for a stated cause.

Nonprofits Can Better Manage Overhead Expenses

It should offer features like fund accounting, grant management, and reporting compliance, catering to the unique needs of these sectors. It must be user-friendly and efficient and help in transparent, accountable financial management, essential for public trust. Each fund type is guided by distinct accounting principles, with Governmental Funds using modified accrual accounting and Proprietary and Fiduciary Funds employing full accrual accounting.

As non-profits are different types of organizations, they utilize a specialized accounting system, often called «fund accounting,» to handle their financial operations effectively. These elements are crucial for maintaining the integrity of public institutions and for fostering a trusting relationship between the government and the people it serves. Both criteria must be met in the same element (assets, liabilities, etc.) for a fund to be defined as major.

What are the three types of governmental accounting?

Types of Financial Information (Explained)